Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Are You Getting Paid What You're Worth?

I am willing to bet that you think about this frequently. That is, are you getting paid what you're worth?

Most people would answer no. We feel that we can always get paid more, no? I decided to compile a list of resources that address this very issue and include it here for your reference.

You will find most of the resources deal with how to negotiate for a better salary, which is totally a useful skill. But as you will see in the first resource, this article takes a different approach.

Resource #1 - Get Paid Boot Camp

This was the most recent one in the list. This article comes from the view that you can actually control this yourself. That's interesting as you don't tend to think of that. It's a good read and you will learn some interesting ways to go about it.

Resource #2 - 99u.com

This is a five step guide that shows how to negotiate better. I think the best tip from the five is the one that suggests that money is not the only negotiation factor.

Resource #3 - The Ladders

This one if more from the perspective of asking for a raise and tips on how to approach that. This can also be something useful to know how to do. Knowledge in this area can reduce the tension associated with doing this.

Resource #4 - Duct Tape Marketing

If you charge clients, that is more of the angle that this article takes. This too can be a useful skill as I know for a fact many people undervalue their services which is a huge mistake.


As you can see from these resources, if you feel that you are not paid what you are worth then it's time to take matters into your own hand. Take a look at these resources and determine which one is right for you and then take action! It's all up to you at this point.

Are You Paid What You're Worth?

1 comment:

  1. thank you
    , business degree
