Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Can You Trust Free Online Business Courses?

Many people dream of taking the plunge of creating a new business and if you are in that position you'll probably need some training. You can usually find it online and at zero cost. But you have to ask yourself, can you trust free online business courses? That's what this article will explore.

My personal feeling is that you can trust certain online business courses and others you have to be careful. Some offers for these courses are just ploys to get you roped into paying for the enhanced versions. What they offer for free you can probably get from YouTube on your own.

I am not against people making money. But if these websites are in it simply to lure people in and all they get is something that they could have gotten with a search on YouTube, then there is a disconnect in my opinion. Plus, these bogus websites create distrust for all websites of this nature, making it more difficult for people to find legitimate free online business courses that actually offer true value.

But all hope is not lost. I am constantly on the lookout for free training for my readers that offers value and isn't just trying to bleed your wallet. I will list these resources in this article below.

I am always puzzled at the motivations of people trying to make a fast buck with their websites. If they would take a step back and look at their own websites as if they were someone seeing it for the first time. Would this ploy actually work for them? What would they think when they saw that website? Would they be tempted to sign up?

And it doesn't take that much effort to offer something of value either. The lasting affects are much more rewarding than the quick bucks you may get if you don't. If time is an issue the work needed to be done could be outsourced. Remember that when websites are looked at as long term income generating assets, then care should be taken in their creation.

Okay, so enough about my rants. Here are some links that I found that offer legitimate and valuable training to further your goals (Note: some links may contain affiliate links that may result in compensation to the writer in some form or another):

Open Culture Free Business Courses - There are several training modules included by various websites across many different categories. You are sure to find something in this list.

Coursera - Taken direct from their tagline: "Take the world's best courses, online, for free."

Wealthy Affiliate Starter Program - If you want to learn how to properly set up an online business that has a high potential of earning money, then take a look at the free training that is offered at Wealthy Affiliate.

Khan Academy - Although it may seem like this resource is only for academic studies, they have training in many business areas such as investing, economics, statistics, etc.

Small Business Administration (SBA) - Government entity that provides help and training for businesses.

14 Free Online Business Courses - Even though this website caters to IT, this particular page has resources to help businesses with their start up tasks. - Free Certified Online Learning. Has many categories and subjects. - Over 20,000 in just about any subject you can imagine. It's getting a bit harder to find the free courses, but they still exist.